ZAC GM Wayne Rowe
iMenenja Jikelele eZAC uMnu uWayne Rowe
From the GM’s Desk
There is a special reason behind the hosting of Imbizos at ZAC. These regular face-to-face meetings with the various teams onsite, symbolise our commitment to grow with our people.
Going forward we would like to build on this culture of communication with our suppliers, employees and host communities.
It has been pleasing to see the success achieved by some of the local enterprises including coal haulers and yellow machine operator companies. Walking this journey with them, our aim is to support their growth for years to come. It is our view that good stewardship of local businesses helps to support the economy and keeps us connected with surrounding communities.
ZAC has an excellent relationship with the Ulundi Local Municipality, and we want to continue working closely with entities that support development. A joint code of conduct has been drawn up between management and organised labour to resolve areas of concern.
When coming to daily operations, one of our key missions is to increase backup capacity. The new Mngeni Shaft is progressing well after the project kicked off in October 2022. To date, a significant portion of the box cut has already been mined.
What is unique about this operation is that we are using mechanical devices instead of conventional drill and blast methods to break rock. This will help us to reduce noise levels and avoid inconveniencing the local community.
We are still forecasting Mngeni to start producing coal in October of this year. The shaft will be about 240 m long and 34m deep, with seam thicknesses of 2.3 m to 2.6 m. The surface infrastructure is in the process of being established while water management and security arrangements have already been completed.
We are in the process of re-opening the old Maye B Shaft as it will give us access to low seam reserves. While the future looks promising for productivity at the mine, we at ZAC continue to prioritise safety. The goal of Zero harm remains at the top of our agenda in ensuring that the well-being of our employees is secure.
Ngosiba lweMenenja Jikelele
Kunesizathu esinqala sokuhlela Izimbizo eZAC. Le mihlangano yobuso nobuso namathimba ehlukene emsebenzini awuphawu lwesibopho sethu sokukhula nabantu bakithi.
Uma sibheka phambili, sifisa ukuqhubeka naleli siko lokuxhumana nabantu esithenga kubona, abasebenzi bethu nemiphakathi esisebenza ezindaweni zayo.
Kubeyintokozo ukubona impumelelo yamanye amabhizinisi endawo okubalwa kuwona abantu abathutha amalahle ngamaloli nezinkampani ezinemishini ephuzi. Sihamba lolu hambo nawo, inhloso yethu ngukuweseka asimame eminyakeni ezayo. Kuwumbono wethu ukuthi ukuba yisithunywa esihle samabhizinisi endawo kulekelela umnotho, kusenze sihlale sixhumene nemiphakathi engomakhelwane bethu.
I-ZAC inobudlelwano obuhle noMasipala weNdawo wasoLundi, kanti sifisa ukuqhubeka sisebenzisane njalo nezinhlaka ezeseka intuthuko endaweni. Kunohlaka olwenziwe ngendlela efanele yokuziphatha phakathi kwabaphathi nezinhlangano zabasebenzi ukulungisa izinto ezikhathazayo.
Uma kuziwa emsebenzini wansuku zonke, eminye yemisebenzi yethu emikhulu wukwandisa abantu esicuphe ngabo. Umgodi omusha uMngeni uqhubeka kahle ngemva kokuqala kahle komsebenzi ngoMfumfu wango-2022. Kuze kube manje, ingxenye enkulu yomgodi osikiwe isimbiwe.
Okuhlukile ngalo msebenzi wukuthi sisebenzisa imishini yobuchwepheshe ukuqephula amadwala esikhundleni semishini yokumba nokuqhumisa evamile. Loku kuzosiza ukunciphisa amazinga omsindo futhi kugweme ukuphazamiseka kwabantu bendawo.
Sisaphokophele ekutheni uMngeni uzoqala ukhiqize amalahle ngoMfumfu kulo nyaka. Lo mgodi uzoba ngamamitha awu-240 ubude namamitha awu-34 ukushona, kuthi emlonyeni ube wugqinsi ngamamitha aphakathi kuka-2.3 no-2.6. Ingqalasizinda kumanje iyakhiwa kanti izinhlelo zokulawula amanzi nezokuphepha sezivele ziphothuliwe.
Siphezu komkhankaso wokuphinde sivule umgodi iMaye B Shaft njengoba uzokwenza kungeneke emalahleni aphansi. Nakuba ikusasa libukeka liqhakazile ngokomkhiqizo emayini, thina eZAC siyaqhubeka sibeke ukuphepha eqhulwini. Inhloso yokuthi kungalimali nomuntu oyedwa isiseqhulwini lwezinhlelo zethu ukuqinisekisa ukuthi inhlalakahle yabasebenzi bethu iphephile.